WYKOJ v2.3.1

WYKOJ is currently under development.

Source code:

UI based on HKOI Online Judge.


  • Added contest ranking tiebreak: by last submission time.


  • Store and fetch test cases in GitHub repo.
  • Added extra settings.
  • Update countdown and rankings during contest.


  • New judge server, thanks Snuny.
  • Add Chess page.
  • Update all frontend dependencies.
  • Add attempts to task lists.
  • Add monthly and weekly leaderboards.
  • Implement the Open Graph protocol.
  • Fix inability to send large test cases to judge server.
  • Add logos for programming languages.
  • Switch from SQLite3 to MySQL (AWS RDS).
  • Implement grader functionality.
  • Add subtask score table.
  • Add file upload for submission.
  • Add editorial page in contests.
  • Switch from MathJax to KaTeX to render math.
  • Add test case descriptions.


  • Revamp Buy Account page.
  • Scoring mode and associated contests are shown at the bottom of task page.
  • Changed viewing permissions for contest pages.
  • Added Python exception page.
  • Added a multitude of information to user page.


  • Correct display of contest results.
  • Implement rate-limiting. (30 HTTP requests/min, 1 submission/20s)
  • Add Changelog.


  • Migrated from Flask to Quart (synchronous to asynchronous).