Henry needs to go to the washroom again. He needs to walk exactly $N$ steps to reach the washroom.

Henry flips a coin. If it lands on heads, Henry advances 3 steps. If it lands on tails, Henry advances 1 step only. He repeates this until he reaches the washroom.

Note that Henry may be one or two steps away from the washroom but, after flipping a coin, is required to advance 3 steps. In this case, Henry is unable to reach the washroom and cries.

Calculate the number of ways Henry can reach the washroom modulo $10^9 + 7$.


The only line of input contains an integer $N$. $(1 \le N \le 10^6)$


Output the required answer.

Sample Test Cases

Input Output
5 4

The 4 ways are:

  • $1 + 1 + 3$
  • $1 + 3 + 1$
  • $3 + 1 + 1$
  • $1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1$
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Authored by s16f22