There are $N$ Crewmates on the Airship. Among them, one is the Impostor. The Crewmates decided that each of them will complete exactly $K$ tasks before the next emergency meeting. The Impostor will try to complete all $K$ tasks, but they might skip some (possibly all) tasks because they are too busy murdering Crewmates. Meanwhile, the $N - 1$ innocent Crewmates can always manage to complete all $K$ tasks, even after being killed and becoming a ghost.

Each Crewmate is assigned a unique uppercase letter as their name. The computer on the Airship logs a Crewmate's name after each task they complete. Given the log, can you figure out who is the Impostor?


The first line of input contains a string of $N$ distinct uppercase letters, representing each Crewmate's name. $(3 \le N \le 26)$
The second line of input contains a string, representing the log.

The integer $K$ will not be given in the input. $(1 \le K \le 1000)$


If you can determine the Impostor, output their name. Otherwise, output sus.

Sample Test Cases

Input Output
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Scoring: Per Subtask
Authored by s16f22
Appeared in 2023 Mini Contest 1