You are given an English text. Count the number of unique words used in the text (case insensitive, punctuation ignored).

You may assume the text is well-formed:

  • A word consists of a nonzero number of uppercase or lowercase English letters.
  • A punctuation mark is one of ,.!?;:.
  • Words are separated by a single space or newline.
  • A sentence consists of a nonzero number of words, where the last word is immediately followed by a punctuation mark.
  • The text consists of a nonzero number of sentences separated by a single space or newline.
  • Each line does not contain leading/trailing spaces.


The input is an English text (at most $5000$ characters). The number of lines won't be specified.


Output the number of unique words used.

Sample Test Cases

Input Output
To be, or not to
be, that is the question:
Whether tis nobler in the
mind to suffer
The slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against
a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.
The unique words are: "to", "whether", "them", "end", "is", "nobler", "a", "against", "of", "troubles", "arrows", "take", "fortune", "the", "outrageous", "and", "suffer", "question", "sea", "not", "that", "in", "by", "opposing", "be", "or", "mind", "slings", "tis", and "arms".
A, a. A, a. Aa, aA.
AAA! A; A: a, a, aaaaa?
The unique words are: "aaa", "aa", "a", and "aaaaa". Note that the capitalisation need not to be sentence case.
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Scoring: Per Subtask
Authored by s16f22 and s17r28
Appeared in 2023 Mini Contest 4