Note that the memory limit is unusual in this problem.
Consider the infinite sequence of positive rational numbers $x_1$, $x_2$, $\ldots$ given by $x_1=1$, and for all integers $i \geq 2$,
$$x_i=\begin{cases}x_{\frac i2}+1 & \text{ if }i\text{ is even}\\\\\dfrac{1}{x_{i-1}} & \text{ if }i\text{ is odd}\end{cases}$$ For each positive integer $i$, let $y_i$ be the smallest positive integer such that $\dfrac{y_i}{x_i}$ is an integer. We can show that $y_i$ exists and is well-defined for all positive integers $i$.
There are $q$ queries. For each $1 \le j \le q$, the $j$-th query specifies two integers $l_j\le r_j$, and you should output the sum of all the $y$ values with indices from $l_j$ to $r_j$ inclusive, or mathematically, $$\sum^{r_j}_{i=l_j} y_i$$ modulo $998244353$.
The first line contains a single positive integer $q$, denoting the number of queries.
The $j$-th of the next $q$ lines contains two positive integers $l_j,r_j$ each, which describes the $j$-th query.
For each query, output the required sum modulo $998244353$ on a separate line.
For all test cases, $1\le q\le 10^5$, $1\le l_j\le r_j\le 10^{18}$ for all $1\le j\le q$.
Subtask 1 (7 points): $l_j=r_j\le 10^5$ for all $1\le j\le q$.
Subtask 2 (9 points): $r_j\le 10^5$ all $1\le j\le q$.
Subtask 3 (8 points): $l_j=r_j$ for all $1\le j\le q$
Subtask 4 (11 points): for each $1 \le j \le q$, there exists some non-negative integer $k_j$ such that $l_j=2^{k_j}$ and $r_j=2^{k_j+1}-1$.
Subtask 5 (18 points): $q=1$.
Subtask 6 (21 points): $q\le 5000$.
Subtask 7 (26 points): No additional constraints..
Sample Test Cases
Input | Output | |
4 3 6 2 8 1 4 14 34 |
8 16 7 102 |
Scoring: Per Subtask
Authored by culver0412
Appeared in Joint-School Pre-HKOI Mini Competition 1