Most of the world uses Celsius (°C), but the US uses Fahrenheit (°F). We have the following conversion formula:

$$\text{°F} = \text{°C} \times 1.8 + 32$$

Given a temperature reading in Celsius or Fahrenheit, convert it to the other scale.


The only line of input is of the form X C or X F, meaning the temperature reading is $X \text{°C}$ or $X \text{°F}$ respectively. $X$ is an integer. $(-1000 \le X \le 1000)$


Output the temperature reading in the other scale (rounded to the nearest integer), according to the input format.
Hint: use round() from <cmath> for rounding, e.g. round(1.23).

Sample Test Cases

Input Output
50 C 122 F
50 F 10 C
Click to copy.

Scoring: Per Subtask
Authored by s16f22