T221 - Angle Sum of Polygon

The angle sum of a $N$-sided polygon (or $N$-gon) is $(N-2) \cdot 180^\circ$. Remember to use long long.

T222 - Laundry

Hint 1

What is the minimum number of days that Justin can wear a shirt in a week, given that he has $S$ shirts currently?

Answer to hint 1

$\lceil \frac{7}{S} \rceil$

Hint 2

How many shirts he can wear in a week, providing that he also put shirts into the laundry?

Answer to hint 2 Either $S-1$ or $S-2$. He can wear 1 or 2 shirts during Wednesday to Thursday, which he optimally puts his $S-1$ or $S-2$ shirts into the laundry. The number of shirts he put into the laundry is the number of shirts he can wear in a week.


Solution He can wear 1 or 2 shirts during Wednesday to Thursday. Let's examine both cases seperately.
If he wore 1 shirt only in that period, he will optimally put his other $S-1$ shirts in the laundry. Since he will clean $S-1$ shirts per week, he can only wear $S-1$ shirts per week. The minimum number of days that Justin can wear a shirt in a week, given that he has $S-1$ shirts currently, is $\lceil \frac{7}{S-1} \rceil$. Also, since he will only wear 1 shirt during Wednesday to Thursday, the answer would be greater than or equal to 2. Hence the answer is $\max(2, \lceil \frac{7}{S-1} \rceil)$.
Similarly, if he wore 2 shirts during that period, he would clean $S-2$ shirts per week, and the answer would be $\lceil \frac{7}{S-2} \rceil$.
Combining both cases, the final answer is the minimum of the answer of both cases. Also beware of the case $S=2$, as you are dividing by $S-2$.
Time Complexity: $O(1)$

Fun fact 1 This is actually a real problem Justin encountered in UK. He only have $S=3$ white shirts, so he have to be careful to how many days he could wear a shirt, before it can be cleaned. As this problem is very hard to understand, (I think most participants agree as well), Justin actually got his answer wrong without much thought, and eventually have to wear the same shirt the whole week.
Congrats to s17r21 for the first participant to use a (partially) analytical solution - well deserved champion!
Fun fact 2 Originally $S$ is allowed to be equal to 1, which participants should print You stink, because Justin cannot wash his shirt, so he would need to wear the shirt for an infinite amount of days (he stinks).
However Snuny thought that it was a bad idea (it does not make sense). Much depression.
Note from Snuny Entire problem is very gay

T223 - Fascinating Compositions

Subtask 1 (30%)

Suppose that to achieve the minimum number of operations, we will need to have $K$ essays of length $L$. Out of all the essays with at most $L$ characters, we can greedily find the $K$ essays which have the closest number of characters to $L$ and then perform operations on them.

Also note that $L$ is necessarily an element of $A$ (i.e. $L \in A$). If not, we can decrease $L$ to achieve a smaller number of operations.

Sort the array $A$. For each subarray of length $K$, count the number of operations needed to make all of them the same as its maximal element. Find the minimum number of operations across all such subarrays.

Time complexity: $O(N \log N + NK)$

Subtask 2 (70%)

Use prefix sum to calculate the sum of any subarray in $O(1)$. For any subarray $B_1, B_2, \cdots, B_K$ of length $K$, the number of operations needed to fulfill the requirement is $$B_K \cdot K - (B_1 + B_2 + \cdots + B_K)$$

Sliding window may also be used instead of prefix sum.

Time complexity: $O(N \log N)$

T224 - Rock's Canvas

Consider the Cartesian coordinate plane and two points $P_1(x_1, y_1)$ and $P_2(x_2, y_2)$.

We can express a straight line on the coordinate plane as $y = mx + c$ where $m$ is the slope and $c$ is the y-intercept. The only property that distinguishes two lines of the same slope is the y-intercept.

Note that $B_i = 1$ corresponds to slope $1$, and $B_i = 2$ corresponds to slope $-1$.
A line with slope $1$ is of the form $y = x + c$, which we can rewrite as $c = y - x$. $P_1$ and $P_2$ are on the same line with slope $1$ if $y_1 - x_1 = y_2 - x_2$.
Similarly, a line with slope $-1$ is of the form $y = -x + c$, which we can rewrite as $c = x + y$. $P_1$ and $P_2$ are on the same line with slope $-1$ if $x_1 + y_1 = x_2 + y_2$.

Subtask 1-4 (60%)

When Rock checks the majority of some diagonal, check for each star drawn if it lies on the specified line.

Time complexity: $O(Q^2)$ or $O(Q^2 \log Q)$ depending on implementation

Subtask 5 (40%)

We can construct a map, so that for each slope and y-intercept pair $(m, c)$, we have another map $C$ storing the count of each color like a counting array, the total number of elements $L$, and color $X$ which is the majority element.

Every time Rock draws a star of a color $T$ in a cell, we will update two $(m, c)$ pairs, one where $m = 1$ and one where $m = -1$. We increase the count of $T$ by 1 in $C$, increase $L$ by 1, and check if $T$ is the new majority element using $2 \cdot C[T] > L$. If so, we update $X$ to be $T$.

When Rock checks the majority of some diagonal, we check that for the correponding $(m, c)$ pair if $2 \cdot C[X] > L$ still holds. If so, $X$ is the majority, otherwise there is no majority.

Time complexity: $O(Q \log Q)$


The plane is 1-based, meaning $C_i$ given in the input is not exactly the y-intercept.

T225 - Love Cycle

We can model the problem as a graph with $N$ nodes. For each $1 \le i \le N$, we draw a directed edge from $i$ to $P_i$.

We will give each node $i$ a label $L_i$. If two nodes $i, j$ are in the same cycle, then $L_i = L_j$, otherwise $L_i \neq L_j$. We can achieve this using BFS / DFS / DSU. Then we have a unique number for each cycle in the graph, because each node in the cycle has the same $L_i$. We will now use $L_i$ to refer to cycles instead. We can then compute the size of each cycle.

Note that $0 \le K \le 2$. We can choose to do one of the following some amount of times:

  1. Choose an index $i$. For a cost of $1$, swap $P_i$ and $P_{i+1}$.
  2. Choose an index $i$. For a cost of $2$, swap $P_i$ and $P_{i+2}$.

We are trying to maximize the size of any cycle. If $L_i \neq L_j$, the act of swapping $P_i$ and $P_j$ merges the cycles $L_i$ and $L_j$. Therefore, if we choose to perform option 2 to merge cycles $i$ and $i + 2$, we can instead perform option 1 twice to merge cycles $i, i+1, i+2$ for the same cost. Therefore it is necessarily optimal to swap $P_i$ for adjacent $i$ only.

We will construct another graph $G$ with $L_i$ as nodes representing cycles. For each $1 \le i \le N - 1$, if $L_i \neq L_{i + 1}$, we construct an undirected edge between nodes $L_i$ and $L_{i+1}$, meaning we can merge cycles $L_i$ and $L_{i+1}$ with cost 1. Take steps to prevent duplicate edges. For each node $L_i$ in $G$, find at most $K$ neighbors with the largest size. Add the size of cycles $L_i$ and its $K$ neighbors together. The answer is the maximum of such sums across each node.

Time complexity: $O(N)$ or $O(N \log N)$ depending on implementation


In the initial version of this problem $K=4$. However it was rejected as the solution was incorrect and time was running short.