Editorial - 2023 Mini Contest 6
C2361 Hugo's Lego
Use a multiset to store the lego sizes (can be duplicate). Use multiset's methods for insertion and deletion.
For $k$'th largest/smallest queries, notice that $1 \le k \le 10$ (quite small). We can get the iterator to the first/last element and then increment/decrement $k$ times.
C2362 - Sunny's Garden
Notice there isn't enough memory to create a $N \times N$ array.
Since there will be at most $Q$ plants, we can use a map<pair<int, int>, string>
to map coordinates to plants.
Additionally, we also create a map<string, int>
to keep track of the number of each plant
to answer type 2 queries.
Every time we process a type 1 query, update the number of the plant being grown and the one being replaced (if any).
C2363 - Funny Sorting
Pass a custom comaparator to the built-in sort