C24A1 - Rockman Numerals

Add up the number of strokes of each number.
I = 1, V = 2, X = 2, L = 2

C24A2 - Coordinates

Look at the arrows on the keyboard.

C24A3 - Among Us

Check if the 1-based index of each string = the length of the string.

C24A4 - Number Battle

The task does not specify to use integers, use short - a smaller number (check the word "number" in the statement) to compare instead.

C24A5 - Digital Calculator

Merge the seven-segment display of each number and check if the answer is valid.
Note to follow the seven-segment display on the IMAGE of each number.

C24A6 - edotGso gisElhn

Unscramble the display name of the author: check if the 3 numbers represent a valid triangle.

C24A7 - Longest Common Substring

Output The longest common substring.

C24A8 - ASCII Art

Try draw each image, the images are those in the microbit default template.